We provide support to the community in various ways

Drinking water systems
For multiple customers in Ethiopia we have built drinking water systems for their staff at virtually no cost. This way we support communities in the country itself.
Grace Ngetsa
We helped Grace Ngetsa in Kilifi, Kenya, to drill a water well so that now she does not need to walk as far to get water. This has also enabled her to cultivate vegetables and in this way provide for herself. The good thing is that the entire community benefits from this: the children in the primary school opposite her home soon approached her asking if they could also make use of the water well. Today, they fetch water in jerrycans for their school from Grace her well.
As a technology business, we consider it very important to promote technology among younger people in our community! This is why we support TechniekHuis [Technology Centre] in the municipality of Nieuwkoop.
Zwembad Aarweide
We support the Aarweide Open Air Swimming Pool in the municipality of Nieuwkoop in the Netherlands.

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